Kitchen Gods
Written by Howard Rabinowitz
Directed by Scott Rabinowitz
6/10/00 - 6/17/00

What tastes sweeter...than REVENGE!

Lord Kaga R.C. Ormond
Kitchen God Japanese/
Performance Artist Cobo Hall
Matt King
Renowned Actress, Michiko Kobayashi Lisette Bross
Cheryl Tsai
Fortune Teller, Honda Mitsubishi Michelle Philippe
Kitchen God Chinese/
Medic & Chef's Assistant
Cheryl Tsai
Chef's Assistant Gretchen Morgan
Marvin Melnik Herschel Bleefeld
Kitchen God Kosher,
Chef Hyman Schmaltz
Aldrich Allen

A new storyline from the creator of Slasky & Wolfe!

Lord of Kitchen Stadium...
Lord Kaga
(R.C. Ormand)

The Champion...
Kitchen God Kosher, Chef Hyman Schmaltz
(Aldrich Allen)

The Challenger...
Marvin Melnik
(Herschel Bleefeld)

The Judges...
Performance Artist, Cobo Hall (Matt King)
Renowned Actress, Michiko Kobayashi (Cheryl Tsai)
Fortune Teller, Honda Mitsubishi (Michelle Philippe)

The Sumptuous Results...
Matzo Balls...and a secret ingredient...(hint: it's red)