Bobby Knight, P.I.
Written by Zach Eisenberg
Directed by Scott Rabinowitz
9/8/01 - 9/22/01

You know him and love as a basketball coach! But could his sensitive insights serve him well as...Private Investigator?

Coach Durham David Needles
Junior Dean Jacobson
Sebastian Screw Don Marshall
Reporter 1 Ryan Janis
Reporter 2 Steve Infield
Reporter 3 Bil Garrity
Mikhail Blokh
Bobby Knight Pat Towne
Dean Jacobson Philip Sokoloff
Vic Joe Jordan
Billy Jackson Ahmed Best
Jim Rome  Scott Rabinowitz
Mickey Zack Eisenberg
Muhammad Aldrich Allen
Howard Jessie Bernstein
Tonya Lisette Bross
Coach Jay Harik

and Guy in the Booth as

"Coach" and Coach Knight
Jay Harik & Pat Towne

Hot property...Billy Jackson
Ahmed Best plays Billy Jackson. Billy Jackson likes that!

The Sports Gods convene...
Howard, Muhammad, Mick & Tonya
Jessie Bernstein, Aldrich Allen, Zach Eisenberg & Lisette Bross