Presented as part of...

Written by Jefferson Smith & Corey Klemow
Directed by David LM Mcintyre

FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY (Thank God!): 12/7/02

You begged! You pleaded! But he's back anyway!
Just in time to ruin Christmas!

Announcer Brad Friedman
Stan Lee Adam Bitterman
Negative Man / Kent Clarke Scott McShane
Lena Lorn Mary Hayes
Johnny Oldman Marc Schrier
Parry Ecru Paul Byrne
Newswire Matt Saxe
The Christmas Spirit Travis Poelle
Holly Suzie Edie
Ivy Lara Schwartzberg
Red Sox Fan Yuri Lowenthal
Yankees Fan Henry Dittman

"Nuttin' for Christmas" lyrics by Jefferson Smith
(with apologies to Stan Freberg)



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