Written & Directed by Joe Jordan
3/17/01 - 3/31/01

n mime, no one can hear you scream.

Momo the Mime Joe Hernandez-Kolski
Kitty Summer Mahoney
Father Allen Lulu
Little Girl Elizabeth Lulu
Cop Mark T.J. Lifrieri
Laura Esposito
Punk #1 Tyler Tanner
Punk #2 Mark Bate
Matt Saxe
Woman with Purse Ingrid Koopman
Bailiff Paul Byrne
Court Reporter Cindy Caddel
Prosecutor Steven Rozic
Public Defender Lisette Bross
Judge David Grammer
Buttermaker Kevin Crowther
Sgt. Penny Michelle Dunn
Guard #1 Tyler Tanner
Guard #2 Mark Bate
Cupid Richard Gustafson
Smiles Victor Isaac
Hector the Specter Dean Cameron
Nick Stan Freitag
Tino Mikhail Blokh
Chipmunk Mauri Bernstein
Landlady Gail Borges
and Marius Mazmanian as...
The Janitor

Meet Momo...He's a mime. That's his Kitty.
Summer Mahoney and Joe Hernandez-Kolksi

Everyone Loves Mime! Even this screaming, terrified little girl!
Lizzie Lulu and Joe H-K

Meet the purse snatchers. They are trouble for Momo!
Ingrid Koopman, Tyler Tanner and Mark Bate

Meet the Cop and the Chipmunk that help frame Momo!
Matt Saxe, Mark Bate, Laura Esposito and Mauri Bernstein

Meet the Justice System! With Momo!
(from left) Steve Rozic, Lisette Bross, David Grammer, Cindy Caddel, Paul Byrne and Kevin Crowther (as Buttermaker! He was scary in Creature Comforts too!) 

Meet the nice people who welcome Momo to prison!
Michelle Dunn, Victor Isaac, Mark Bate, Richard Gustafson, Mark Bate, Kevin Crowther and (hidden) Dean Cameron

Meet the Janitor in Prison...who has a secret for Momo!
Marius Mazmanian

Meet the Bank Robbers, that Momo meets after breaking out of Prison!
Mikhail Blokh, Joe H-K and Stan Freitag!

Meet the nice lady that watched after Kitty while Momo was gone..
Summery Mahoney and Gail Borges



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