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written by David Mayes
directed by Travis Snyder-Eaton

Ever wonder what would happen if David Mayes
got his own talk show? Neither did anyone else.

5 Episodes
Original Run: 4 Eps, 9/20/14 - 10/11/14
Playoffs Run: 1 Ep, 4/4/15

EPISODE ONE (9/20/14)

SUMMARY:  In the inaugural episode of talk show "The David Mayes Show," guest Bryan Bellomo finds himself annoyed by egocentric host David Mayes, incessantly flirted with by sidekick Esteban, and weathering the inept but enthusiastic efforts of intern Heather.

Photos by Douglas Gabrielle

EPISODE TWO (9/27/14)

SUMMARY:  David welcomes guest Hugo Armstrong from Sacred Fools' hit play The Behavior of Broadus, but Hugo couldn't make it, so fellow cast member Tim Sheridan was supposed to come instead... but he couldn't make it either, so Tim's understudy, Scott Golden is the guest instead, pretending to be Tim.  Confused?  So's David, who continues to interview Scott as if he were Hugo.  Scott finally goes with the flow and makes up answers to David's inane questions, which are largely about Neil Armstrong, who David assumes was Hugo Armstrong's dad.  Meanwhile, Bryan makes the mistake of returning, hoping to get paid for his pervious appearance, and is shanghaied into a wig and dress by Esteban, who makes Bryan do routines from "Dirty Dancing" with him.  And Heather thinks the show needs a "stage audience," so she invites her friends, promising them they're going to meet Benedict Cumberbatch.

Photos by Douglas Gabrielle


SUMMARY:  Heather, tired of being mistreated by David, starts her own rival show, The Heather Schmidt Show, and does it simultaneously with his show, on his stage.  Heather, who now has her own sidekick, Maral, and her own intern, gets things underway with guest Lauren Van Kurin, but when David's own brother, JJ Mayes, doesn't show up for his guest spot on The David Mayes Show, Bryan Bellomo is reluctantly pressed back into guest duty, once again left to fend off Esteban's advances and answer David's inane questions.  The rivalry between the shows escalates until there is a rap battle between sidekicks Esteban and Maral.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez

EPISODE FOUR (10/11/14)

SUMMARY:  David and Heather host their shows simultaneously again, this time trying to get a single guest, Pat Towne, to choose between them.  But somebody is sabotaging the show - the lights and sound keep cutting out.  This turns out to the be work of Bryan, having his revenge; he is captured and tied to a chair.  Esteban, tired of all the fighting, tries to talk sense into the feuding hosts, and they finally make up.  Everybody leaves... leaving Bryan tied up.  But then Bryan is approached by a shadowy figure who unties him, and tells him, "You're not the only one who hates The David Mayes Show." 

Pat Towne being interviewed by Heather. Pat being interviewed by David. Esteban dances for his "husband," captive Bryan Bellomo. "You're not the only person who hates 'The David Mayes Show,'" says Will (Will McMichael).

Photos by Marian Gonzalez


SUMMARY:  David's thrilled to have been voted into the playoffs, and even more thrilled that he's been given a 50 minute time limit... but his brother, Serial Killers producer JJ, informs him that once again, he didn't read his EMails.  The time limit is just FIVE minutes.  And so David cuts all the planned acts and decides to just bring on his many planned guests and immediately say hi and goodbye to each of them as Esteban shows them on and right back off.  The final guest is Peter Fluet, who isn't on the list, but was drugged by a man in a van and woke up there - which sounds to Heather like their Guest Acquisition Program is working just as planned.  After Peter leaves, Bryan, thinking the show is over, walks out and begins sweeping up, but David and Esteban press him into service as an unwilling guest yet again... but time runs out before he can answer David's inane question.

David and Esteban cope with learning that the show will be 5 minutes, not 50. Sean Sweeney is one of several guests ushered on and right back off stage. Exceedingly reluctant guest Peter Fluet tells Heather that she's better than this. Bryan Bellomo is once again pressed into service as a guest as time runs out and Esteban runs underneath him.

Photos by Marian Gonzalez


David Mayes

David Mayes (Eps. 1-5)

Heather Schmidt

Heather (Eps. 1-5)

Esteban Andres Cruz

Esteban (Eps. 1-5)

Bryan Bellomo

Bryan (Eps. 1-5)

Scott Golden

as Tim Sheridan for Hugo Armstrong (Ep. 2)

Angela Sauer, Serena Laney,
Isaac Deakyne & Andrew Joseph Perez

Cumberbitches (Heather's Friends) (Ep. 2)

Lauren Van Kurin

Lauren Van Kurin (Ep. 3)

Maral Adams

Maral (Ep. 3)

Serena Laney

Heather's Intern (Ep. 3)

Michael Teoli

Tubamaster Mike (Ep. 3)

Pat Towne

Pat Towne (Ep. 4)

Rebecca Larsen

Rebecca (Ep. 4)

Will McMichael

Will (Ep. 4)

Angela Sauer

Angela (Ep. 4)

Nathan Wellman

Nathan (Ep. 4)

Shaela Cook & Natalie Rose

Dancers (Ep. 4)

Colin Willkie

Colin (Ep. 5)

Julia Griswold

Julia (Ep. 5)

Sean Sweeney

Sean (Ep. 5)

Natalie Rose

Natalie (Ep. 5)

Peter Fluet

Peter (Ep. 5)

JJ Mayes

JJ (Ep. 5)

Jacob Sidney

Announcer (Ep. 5)

Emily Donn, Corey Klemow,
Angela Sauer & Jackson Truax

The Crew (Ep. 5)

Choreography by Esteban Andres Cruz (Ep. 2)

Choreography by Cj Merriman (Ep. 3)

Choreography by Cj Merriman with additional choreography by Esteban Andres Cruz (Ep. 4)

Follow Spot operated by Chairman Barnes (Eps. 3-4)