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written & directed by Jenelle Riley

Politics are so high school.

2 Episodes
6/4/16 & 6/18/16

EPISODE ONE (6/4/16)

SUMMARY: Student reporter Peggy McClickbait tells us the story of Hillary Clinton Megan Robbins, high school Vice President to her boyfriend Josh's President. When Josh, a senior, steps down, he endorses Megan for President in the upcoming student election - but despite her qualifications, everybody laughs off the suggestion because she's a girl. Even the female principal, Ms. Kaye - who continually makes sexual advances on the male students - doesn't take Megan's candidacy seriously. And the guys decide to support ignoramus and school bully Donald Trump Tom Oliver for President instead.

Photos by Mandi Moss

EPISODE TWO (6/18/16)

SUMMARY: In their first debate, Tom derails Megan with nonsensical arguments and claims, and also throws her by revealing that her best friend and aide, Maya, has made out with her horndog boyfriend, current President Josh. Maya also finds herself attracted to Tom's friend, cool kid and chess team hunk Ted. With the campaign in chaos, candidate Sarah Flanders enters the race.


Carrie Wiita

Megan Robbins (Ep. 1)

Emily Clark

Megan Robbins (Ep. 2)

Lauren Van Kurin

Peggy McClickbait (Eps. 1-2)

Michael Lanahan

Tom Oliver (Eps. 1-2)

Josh Weber

Josh (Eps. 1-2)

Rob Lecrone

Tim (Ep. 1)

Amir Levi

Tim (Eps. 1-2)

Rick Steadman

Ted (Eps. 1-2)

Julia Griswold

Maya (Eps. 1-2)

Erin Matthews

Ms. Kaye (Ep. 1)

Jenelle Riley

Ms. Kaye (Ep. 2)

Devereau Chumrau

Sarah (Ep. 2)