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Playoffs Serial:

Georgia Everly: Loose Cannon Wine Glass Designer

written by Jax Ball
directed by Harim Sanchez

Someone has to play god when heaven is empty.

7 Episodes
Original Run: 5 eps, 2/2/19 - 3/2/19
Playoffs Run: 2 eps, 4/6/19 & 4/20/19

Episode One (2/2/19)

Summary: Georgia Everly, wine glass designer, is working on a new wine glass design. Her wife, Eve, is aghast at Georgia's recklessness - the stem is too short, so the wine will be warmed by people's hands! The glass will allow too much oxygen to mix with the wine! But Georgia is a visionary who can't be stopped by such concerns. Her boss, Portia, is also upset at Georgia's loose cannon design, and demands Georgia stop playing God and bring in a useable design by Monday or she's fired. But at home, Georgia builds her wine glass to her own specifications. She exults in her power - but the existence of this unholy wine glass rips a tear in the fabric of the universe, and Georgia finds herself at the mercy of Wine Glass, a being from another plane who takes her by the throat - telling her that if she's going to play God, she should expect to face demons...



Photos by Lana Rae Jarvis

Episode Two (2/9/19)

Summary: Georgia is missing, so Eve goes to see Portia, who also doesn't know where she is. Reluctantly, Portia agrees to help find her. "I wanted to leave this life behind me," sighs Portia, drawing a huge sword, "BUT ANYTHING FOR GEORGIA EVERLY!" Meanwhile, Georgia has been dragged to Wine Hell by Wine Glass, damned for her hubris. When she refuses to accept his judgment, Eve appears and he threatens her life, but Georgia isn't fooled - it's not really Eve, just a trick to get her to submit. Georgia declares that she'll redeem herself before God, but Wine Glass says she knows as well as he does that heaven is empty. As he leaves, she meets two demons, Grunk and Blarg, who in life were a grape stomper and a sommelier who discovered a new flavor of wine - crimes for which they were damned. They tell Georgia her only hope is for her soul to get back to her body, which is standing trial, so that she can make a case for herself. However, Wine Glass returns and punishes them for helping the accused...


Photos by David Rodriguez

Episode Three (2/16/19)

Summary: We learn that Portia was once a partner to the person we now know as the demon Blarg, and helped in creating the new flavor of wine, after which sampled no other wine tasted right ever again. She didn't feel right about it and backed out of the project, but he went ahead - and was damned for it. Meanwhile, Georgia makes it to the trial where the great Grape is presiding over her case - but he refuses to hear her testimony, instead putting words into the mouth of an effigy of Georgia.



Photos by David Rodriguez

Episode Four (2/23/19)

Summary: Portia and Eve find Georgia in Wine Hell - where Portia recognizes Blarg as Elliot, her old winemaker friend. But Elliot doesn't recognize her at all, and insists his name is Blarg. However, Wine Glass manages to kidnap Eve and replace her with his puppet copy of her. The fake Eve, to Portia's horror, tells Georgia that the problem that got her sent to Wine Hell isn't her hubris - it's just that the design wasn't perfect yet. Georgia, her ego stoked, agrees, and decides to get back to work perfecting her infernal wine glass design. Meanwhile, Portia meets Wine Glass and Grape and attempts to strike a deal to get Blarg/Elliot out of Wine Hell...



Photos by Nathan Wellman

Episode Five (3/2/19)

Summary: In flashback, we learn that the wine Elliot and Portia created had the "Forbidden Taste." In the present in Wine Hell, Blarg confirms that he has no memory of his life on Earth except that he created the "Forbidden Taste." Grunk remembers a tiny bit more from his life: he used to crush grapes all the time... even if the Queen got angry. Meanwhile, Georgia's memory of her earthly life is starting to slip away; Portia tries to keep her focused, but she's becoming a giggling demon like Blarg and Grunk. Their only hope is to get out of Wine Hell ASAP...


Photos by Jax Ball

Episode Six (4/6/19) - Playoffs Round 1!

Summary: Georgia attempts to enlist help from a barkeep who wound up in Wine Hell for opening a bar, but before they can make any plans, the Wine Demon arrives. He is able to magically knock everyone out - except Portia, who prepares to do battle with him...



Photos by Maddalena Calderon

Episode Seven (4/20/19) - Playoffs Round 2!

Summary: Portia is missing and Georgia demands that the Mighty Grape tell her where she is. Georgia attempts to attack Grape, but he uses his powers again and again to repel her. Grape reveals that the forbidden flavor does in fact exist, but it's not meant for mortals. Suddenly, Georgia has an epiphany. Her mother told her she was born for great things; her soul must have been crippled to be on the mortal plane. But now, she's a pure soul, and can achieve her destiny. Suddenly, Grape's powers wane until he can no longer repel her - and Georgia suddenly summons up a blast of energy from her hands that knocks Grape out. As she exults in this surprising development, a shark arrives. What's that about? We'll never know, as the story ended here.


Photos by David Rodriguez


Jessie Bias Georgia Everly (Eps. 1-7)
Jax Ball Eve Everly (Eps. 1-4)
Cj Merriman Portia (Eps. 1-6)
Harim Sanchez Wine Glass (Eps. 1-4 & 6)
Tim Kopacz Grunk (Eps. 2-7)
Garrett Botts Blarg / Elliot (Eps. 2-7)
Brendan Mulligan Mighty Grape (Eps. 3-4 & 6-7)
Padraic Duffy Barkeep (Ep. 6)
Scott Golden Shark (Ep. 7)