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written by Padraic Duffy
directed by Scott Leggett

20 Episodes
11/18/06 - 6/23/07

Everybody's looking for a little beaver. Literally.

In 2008, BEAVERQUEST! became a full-fledged Mainstage Musical!

Coming soon... ?
Album Cover design by Bobby Stapf
Photo by C.M. Gonzalez

- Photos -      - Video -      - Audio -


Corey Klemow

The Beaver (Eps. 1-20)

Franci Montgomery

Annie Mae (Eps. 1-20)

Amanda D'Angelo

Betty Lynn (Ep. 1)

Jennifer Ruckman

Betty Lynn (Eps. 2-3 & 6-15)

Lacey Mael

Betty Lynn (Eps. 4-5)

Crystal Day

Pepper (Eps. 1-13, 15 & 18)

Joe Fria

Cletis (Eps. 1-8 & 11-20)

Matt Garland

Clem (Ep. 1)

Frank Stasio

Clem (Eps. 2-8 & 14-15)

Troy Vincent

Jasper (Ep. 1)
Virgil (Eps. 14-16 & 18-19)

Brad Light

Jasper (Eps. 3-5)

Katie Ward

Petunia (Ep. 1)

Bryan Krasner

Bunny (Eps. 1-20)

Bobby Stapf

Guitar Man (Eps. 1-9 & 11-20)

Brad Richard

Guitar Man (Ep. 10)

Jaime Andrews

Hydrangea (Eps. 2-5)
Petunia (Eps. 5-15 & 20)
Pepper (Ep. 17)

Stacey Jackson

Arleta (Eps. 2-3)

Vanessa Perkins

Arleta (Ep. 4)

Paul Plunkett

Adolph (Eps. 3-5, 9-10 & 16-17)

Jaime Robledo

Sloth (Eps. 3-5, 9-10 & 17-19)
Santa (Eps. 12 & 14)

Joe Jordan
Michael Lanahan
Jessie Marion

The Turducken (Ep. 4)

Fleur Phillips

Nurse Sassy (Eps. 5, 10 & 19-20)

Emily Kosloski

The Spirit of the Forest (Eps. 5, 12 & 16-17)

Padraic Duffy

DuffyDuck (Ep. 5, 12 & 17)

Hans Gelpke

Gelpke Fish (Ep. 5, 12 & 17)

Heather Hopkins

Sandy the Koala (Eps. 7-10)

Henry Dittman

Jack (Eps. 8-15)

Philip Newby

Neville (Eps. 11, 13-16 & 19-20)

Adam Bitterman

Marty (Ep. 13)

Terry Tocantins

Ronnie (Ep. 13)

Kimberly Atkinson

Delilah (Eps. 15-19)

Molly Lovell

Bonnie (Eps. 15-18)

Victor Isaac

George (Eps. 15 & 18-19)

Michael Franco

Bartholomew, the Sea Captain
(Eps. 15-16 & 18-20)

Pat Towne

Bucky the Parrot (Ep. 15)

Joe Hendrix

Bucky the Parrot (Ep. 16 & 18-19)

Paul Plunkett

The Other Bucky the Parrot (Eps. 18-19)

Donna Giffen

Francesca the Ship Rat (Eps. 17-19)

Supatra Hanna

Bonnie (Ep. 19)
Lydia (Ep. 20)

Brendan Hunt

Clyde (Ep. 20)

Original Music by Bobby Stapf
"Never Stuffed No Beaver" - Lyrics by Bobby Stapf

Makeup by Heather Hopkins


Animator JAY SHULTZ of Nickelodeon drew us this nifty
doodle of Bunny, Cletis, Beaver, Clem and the girls!
Click on it to see it nice and big!  And be sure to

visit Jay's DOODLE-A-DAY MySpace Page!

photos by C.M. Gonzalez

EPISODE ONE (11/18/06)

Betty Lynn (Amanda D'Angelo), Annie Mae (Franci Montgomery)
and Pepper (Crystal Day).  They chase Beaver all the days!

Clem (Frank Stasio) wants to find a beaver to make his friend;
Cletis (Joe Fria) is willing to help with the search.

Matt Garland as Clem.

Petunia (Katie Ward) and her unwilling pet Bunny (Bryan Krasner),
who she also lets her sister Hydrangea (Jaime Andrews) "play" with.
Click on the pic on the right to watch this scene!

Jasper (Troy Vincent) down at the pet store has
all kinds of animals - but he's all out of beaver.

Pepper and balladeer Bobby Stapf.

EPISODE TWO (12/2/06)

The girls again, this time with Jennifer Ruckman as Betty Lynn.
Click on the picture to watch Pepper tell some jokes!

Bunny meets Beaver, and his
life is forever transformed.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Taxidermist Arleta von Crackbumper (Stacey Jackson), who
tells us - in song - that she ain't never "schtuffed" no beaver.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!


Jasper (Brad Light) is mad at
Hydrangea for losing her sister's bunny.

Bunny is content as he professes
his passion to the oblivious Beaver.

Feeding time at the zoo!
Zookeeper Adolph (Paul Plunkett)
feeds the Sloth (Jaime Robledo).

A song about the importance of zoos.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Chaos!  Arleta wants Adolph to kill Clem and Cletis!
Bunny defends Beaver from Clem and Cletis!
Bunny wants Adolph to kill Jasper and Hydrangea!
Clem and Cletis just want to grab the Beaver and go!
Adolph wants people to stop telling him what do to!

EPISODE FOUR (12/16/06)

Suddenly, Sloth grabs the gun!

Arleta (Vanessa Perkins) calls for her secret weapon...

...the Turducken!  (Joe Jordan, Michael Lanahan & Jessie Marion)

In the confusion, Clem and Cletis abscond with Beaver, and
sing a song about what all good friends do for each other.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Everyone joins in.  (That week, Lacey Mael played Betty Lynn.)

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Bunny, bereft without Beaver, turns to drink...
and is then SHOT by an unknown assailant!

EPISODE FIVE (1/20/07)

Everyone gathers around Bunny's hospital bed.

Nurse Sassy (Fleur Phillips) gives Bunny's prognosis
in song, and it's not good (the prognosis, that is,
not the song).  He's got... BEAVER FEVER.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Bunny's spirit departs his body.

He meets the Spirit of the Forest (Emily Kosloski) and her... um... forest
friends, the Duffy Duck (Padraic Duffy) and the Gelpke Fish (Hans Gelpke). 

Bunny returns to life and gives everyone
the Spirit's message: Beaver is in danger!

Petunia (Jaime Andrews) is the one who shot
Bunny - and now she's going to shoot Beaver
for taking Bunny away from her in the first place!

EPISODE SIX (1/27/07)

Cletis distracts her with his kung-fu moves.

BETRAYAL!  Beaver chooses Clem!

Clem and Beaver dance; Bunny is sad.  Pepper sings a power ballad.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Cletis, wanting a special friend of his own,
tries to impress bunny with his kung-fu
moves and his Tibetan throat-singing.


An awkward dinner.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Their waitress - Sandy, the Sexy Koala (Heather Hopkins),
makes a big, big impression on Bunny.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

It's Beaver's turn to be left alone and bereft...
and Petunia counsels him to seek REVENGE!


BONUS VIDEO:  Pepper tells some limericks!

Angry beaver!

Cletis threatens Beaver with Eye Fu.
- Photo by Peter Alton -

Bunny and Beaver reconcile.  Whew.

Jack (Henry Dittman) and his moustache arrive.
Petunia's not too happy to see him.  Why... ?

We find out why in song.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

ANYWAY, everybody hugs Clem goodbye, because it
turns out that Jack's here to fetch him - Clem's grandaddy
has gone missing in the wilds of the Appalachians.
This is entirely important to the narrative, and has nothing
at all to do with the fact that actor and former Jeopardy
champ Frank Stasio is unavailable to continue in the role.

Beaver is single, and Cletis calls dibs.  Bunny disputes this.
Meanwhile, Pepper is sad to learn that limericks are dirty after all.

EPISODE NINE (2/17/07)

Petunia and Jack (now wearing a hat made of sausage
at his moustache's request) are up to something.

Adolph and Sloth sing about their relationship.  And being a sloth.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Bunny is shocked to find that Beaver is PREGNANT!

EPISODE TEN (2/24/07)

At the hospital.  Nurse Sassy can't explain how a boy got
pregnant.  Bunny thinks the only explanation is love.  Awwww.

But there's a question of paternity!  Expressed in song!
(A beaver baby is called a kitten.  No, really.  Go look it up on the Wikipedia.)
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Pepper wants to be a part of the story!
She wants to be a truck driver named Frank!
Click on the picture to watch this scene!


The lines between story and
storyteller become blurred.

Bunny is worn out by his new
son, Neville (Philip Newby).
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

A lonely Neville sings of his fate
as the world's only Beaverunny.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Jack and Petunia overhear his song,
and Jack offers to be Neville's agent.
They're gonna make millions off him!


Cletis wants to be a narrator!
He wants to tell the story!
He wants it to be about Santa Claus!

Bunny turns to drink when Neville goes missing, but the
Spirit of the Forest returns to offer him guidance... and... tickets?

Pepper reveals herself to Cletis and pledges her love to
him in song.  Her fellow narrators tear up.  It really was
that sweet.  We really wish we had the video to show you.
Instead, you can listen to Bobby Stapf's demo track below.

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Beaver demands to know what Jack's done with Neville, but he just
tells beaver to suck it, and goes off with Petunia to make the sex.

Sympatico compatriots in bad-doin'.



Cletis tries his hand at narrating,
but he's a bit over-enthusiastic.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Jack's moustache has now had him staple a map of
the Appalachians to his cheyst.  What could it mean?

Ronnie and Marty (Terry Tocantins & Adam Bitterman), residents
of the Setting Sun Nursing Home where Neville is performing.

Beaver and Bunny attend the performance... in disguise!

"I'm the little baby, I'm the little baby, I'm
the little baby and you looooovvvve me..."

Neville's parents rescue him in a thrilling, music-filled
and extremely under-rehearsed action sequence.

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!


Cletis gets to make up his own scene!  And there's a tea party with Santa Claus!
And then he makes Annie Mae and Neville fall in LOVE!  To MUSIC!
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

More pictures from the neverending tea party.

More pictures from the musical courtship of Annie Mae and Neville.

Neville joins Cletis in the Narrator's world.

Jack treks to the Appalachians through snow and sleet,
and the items his moustache has made him accumulate
help him to find and rescue Clem - and his father,
Virgil (Troy Vincent).  THANK YOU, MOUSTACHE!


Happy reunions!

The story is boarded by Pirates!
And they're here to narrrrrrrate!
(L-R: Molly Lovell as "Bonnie," Kimberly Atkinson
as "Delilah" and Victor Isaac as "George")

Cletis' Tibetan Kung Fu throat singing is pitted
against George's Sumo Yodeling... and
Cletis LOSES!  The Pirates take over the story!

The Pirates are charged with telling the tale of
Bartholomew the Sea Captain (Michael Franco)
and his parrot Bucky (Pat Towne)!
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Bartholomew is Pepper's dad, and so she chooses
sides against her friends in the coming battle!

Meanwhile, say the Pirates, Petunia has given
Beaver a cupcake... full of the RABIES!
Beaver's gone bad!  Petunia sings a song about it!
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

A rabid Beaver attacks Bunny!


The evil Pirate narrators have captured Cletis
and Annie Mae - but Annie Mae ain't givin' up!

Virgil rescues Bunny with a glass of water, which
scared Beaver away - rabies is also known
as "hydrophobia"! Somehow Virgil suddenly
just knew that.  Thanks, Annie Mae!

Bartholomew & Bucky (Joe Hendrix)

Bartholomew tempts Neville to
become a Pirate - in song!
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Bunny and Virgil ask the Spirit of the Forest for help.

Meanwhile, Adolph has captured
Beaver and put him in his zoo!


George has a joke to tell!
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Impending heartbreak: Pepper (played this week by
Jaime Andrews) is jes' 'bout the cutest pirate you ever
did see... but Pirates and Narrators can't be dating.

The Spirit of the Forest (or "Lady Jesus," as Bunny calls her)
can narrate her own story!  She makes Adolph free Beaver,
and then cures Beaver of the rabies... with the Power of Song!
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Sloth meets Francesca (Donna Giffen), a ship rat
who lives on Bartholomew's ship, and is smitten.


George has a new game to play!
It's called "Treasure... or Butt?"
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Bartholomew has his hands shoulders full with two
cracker-obsessed parrots (Paul Plunkett & Joe Hendrix).

Pepper sings a sad song about her love for Cletis, as Annie
Mae tries to restrain him from blurting out his true feelings. 
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Bartholomew has overheard the song -
and as punishment, will throw his own
daughter into the mouth of a volcano!

Evil blue lighting for a mean pirate.

Beaver and Bunny get re-acquainted.

Francesca and Sloth spend their first night together.
Ironically, Sloth is finished much too quickly.

Cletis finally tells Pepper that he still loves her!

Bartholomew has thrown Pepper into the volcano!
And her fate will be unknown until... this fall!

This is because actress Crystal Day isn't available to do the
show again until then.  So if you want to ever see sweet
Pepper alive again... keep on voting for BEAVERQUEST!


George learned a wonderful new word from a little girl in a spelling bee.
(This week, Bonnie was played by Supatra Hanna.)
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Why is Bartholomew such a mean pirate?
Listen to this song and find out! 
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

BONUS AUDIO: Hear Bobby Stapf's demo track of the above song!

Bartholomew gets down to the business of killing Virgil.

What Francesca has in this bag could defeat Bartholomew.

Cheese!  Bartholomew's allergic to cheese!

The parrots, however, grab the cheese
and throw it into the volcano!

Just as all seems lost, Beaver pushes
Bartholomew into the volcano!

The pirates have fled!  Cletis and Annie Mae
are happy to be narrating the story again.

Neville throws a tea party for the parrots.

Bartholomew has risen from the volcano!
And he tells Neville it's time to plot revenge!

Nurse Sassy returns with startling news...


Neville wants Mr. Jenkins to narrate.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Beaver and Bunny disagree - yes, in song - with Nurse Sassy's diagnosis.
Click on the picture to watch this scene!

Guitar Man goes electric.

Bunny meets Beaver's conservative parents -
Clyde (Brendan Hunt) and Lydia (Supatra Hanna).

Clyde doesn't approve of Bunny's bunny ways.

He also has very little patience with Neville.

Beaver's parents are hiding something!

Meanwhile, Bartholomew and Petunia are now partners in crime...
they bribed Nurse Sassy to say that Beaver's not a beaver.
Also, Bartholomew reveals that Pepper survived the volcano!

But we'll never get to find out any more,
because after twenty episodes, BEAVERQUEST
finally went down by just one vote!