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written & directed
Paul Feldman

No Ins or Outs!

4 Episodes
Original Run: 3 Eps, 10/1/11 - 10/15/11
Playoffs: 1 Ep, 6/2/12


Derek Mehn

Doug (Eps. 1-3)

Stephen Simon

Doug (Ep. 4)

Franci Montgomery

Brenda (Eps. 1-4)

Adam Leadbeater

Doorman (Eps. 1-3)

Paul Feldman

Pilot's Voice (Ep. 1)

Anna Hanson

Ms. McCoy (Ep. 1)

Curt Bonnem

Daedalus, Master of the Labyrinth (Ep. 2)
Satan (Eps. 3-4)

Jimmy Swan

The Great Sage (Ep. 3)

Lisa Fredrickson

Hell's Receptionist (Ep. 3)

Colin Willkie

The Satanic Boy Toy (Ep. 3)

Natasha Norman
CJ Merriman
Monica Greene

The Demonettes (Eps. 3-4)

Pat Towne

Eros (Ep. 4)
Choreography by Natasha Norman (Ep. 3)
Choreography by Franci Montgomery (Ep. 4)

EPISODE ONE (10/1/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez
Video by Annette Fasone

SUMMARY:  Doug and Brenda are on a plane flight home. Doug ignores all warnings to not use his cell phone while in-flight, and dooms the aircraft with his ignorance. The plane crashes and kills everyone aboard. Doug and Brenda are separated in the afterlife and are greeted by differing aspects of a dual consciousness that seems to be in charge of everything.

There is a good reason you are told not to use your phone on an airplane.

Curtain Call

EPISODE TWO (10/8/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

SUMMARY:  Doug and Brenda are tricked into entering the labyrinth by the denizens of Hell. Doug is tempted by the sins of the flesh, while Brenda battles the demons through the joy of swing dancing... to no avail.

EPISODE THREE (10/15/11)
Photos by C.M. Gonzalez

Curtain Call


Photos by C.M. Gonzalez