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written & directed by Paul Plunkett

2 Episodes
7/22/06 - 10/14/06

Safety: Good.  Danger: Bad.

- Photos -


Pat Towne

Agent K (Ep. 1)
Randy Cluster (Ep. 2)

Philip Newby

Agent Roswell (Eps. 1-2)

Adam Bitterman

Chunderspud (Ep. 1)

Bruno Oliver

Hambersnap (Ep. 1)

Hilario Saavedra

Puddletrot (Ep. 1)

Jennifer Moyse

Mistress Gravy (Ep. 1)

Chris Goodson
Johann McBugnuts
Jaime Robledo

Safety Agents (Ep. 1)

Jessica Franco

Agent Jessica (Ep. 2)

Chris Goodson

Agent Atlee (Ep. 2)

Joe Fria

Todd Thunt (Ep. 2)

Scott Leggett

Chester Prentiss (Ep. 2)

Jaime Robledo

Mario Esperanto (Ep. 2)

Michael Franco

Allesandro (Ep. 2)

Johann McBugnuts

V.O. (Ep. 2)

The Patrol, L-R: Johan McBugnuts, Philip Newby,
Chris Goodson, Pat Towne & Jaime Robledo

Elizabethan clowns Puddletrot (Hilario Saavedra),
Chunderspud (Adam Bitterman) and Hambersnap (Bruno Oliver)

Chunderspud and Mistress Gravy (Jennifer Moyse)

Puddletrot and Hambersnap

The Patrol massacre the annoying clowns
to protect the audience from Bad Theater.

Agents Roswell (Philip Newby) and Atlee (Chris Goodson)
get their latest assignment from Agent Jessica (Jessica Franco).

Randy Cluster (Pat Towne) of the
famed Randy Cluster Dance Ensemble.

The Ensemble:  Todd Thunt (Joe Fria), Chester Prentiss (Scott Legget)
and audience favorite Mario Esperanto (Jaime Robledo).

Allessandro (Michael Franco) wants to be in the show.  But
he can't be in the show.  But he WANTS to be in the show.

So he gets his revenge in a most unsafe manner.
The agents think it's all part of the show.

- Photos (except for the very last one) by C.M. Gonzalez -